Friday, May 28, 2010

The Lady Is a SLUT!!

I recently received a copy of "Conversations with Joan Crawford" in the mail, which I devoured in mere HOURS. I had been dying to read this book for months and was finally able to purchase it through Amazon.

As I expected, the book does NOT disappoint. It opens with the usual Foreword and Preface, then delves nicely into a quick, to the point biography on the lovely lady herself. Following that short bio are a plethora of conversations held between the author (Roy Newquist) and Joan Crawford. Through these interviews you become acquainted with a rather unexpected side of Joan. A sweet, sensitive, yet tough and sardonic woman. Her use of curse words (most commonly, it seems, "shit") is plentiful, and her humor is her own brassy brand. Those who say Joan Crawford had no sense of humor clearly have not read this book.

Throughout these conversations the pair touch on subjects like family relations, Joan's marriages and children, her films, and even her alcoholism. One topic they seem to skimp over is sex. Yep, sorry, but Joan went into no details about the men whom she was boning in her trailer between takes.

The book was well-written and flows very nicely. Aside from a few spelling/punctuation/grammatical errors, everything seems very well edited. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. If you are anything like me (and God help you if you are) you will love it, too. I definitely got a kick out of her cursing, especially when she said "fuck." I'm just 12 years old like that... :)

Favorite quote: "Disney films are made for retarded children."

Yes, y'all, Joan Crawford did, in fact, say that. PROPS!!

I give this book a 4 out of 5.

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