Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lost & Found

I lost my virginity and I was wondering if anyone has located it?

Ok. Just kidding. Seriously though, I had a major dose of creative inspiration last night and I have already written my poem for next week's blog post. I won't give too much away, but I will say this: It's dedicated to a famous actress, who's initials happen to be JC. She's basically my girl crush; not to mention one of my favorite actresses. LOVE her. Obviously. So go ahead and try and figure it out.

Apparently I should quit posting poems on my blog because I only get like... 2 readers. I work too damned hard for only that few readers. Yes, I know that sounds a bit bitchy. I'm no Sylvia Plath, something of which I'm well aware. But, in all honesty, I was praying to gather a following. It is my goal to become a poet and my blog was a way to put myself out there.

No; I won't be shutting my poetry blog down. I'm just complaining. But people should seriously start spreading the word. LOL. I'm considering doing some major blog-whoring tonight. I have nothing better to do now that I am out of school and temporarily without a job.

On that note: I have a job interview tomorrow at 3:30. Where? Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers. Lame, I know. It's not my first choice either. I'd rather be working at Hot Topic or Torrid or Spencer's. You know... somewhere less fagulous. Blah. But beggers can't be choosers. And I desperately need a job. A job means money. Money means a car, a laptop, a cell phone that I control (as opposed to the one governed by the parentals, AKA the one they took away 2 weeks ago), and, best of all, all the classic films my heart desires. I see you laughing at me. So stop that this instant. ;)

On the subject of classic films, I feel the need to mention "Light In the Piazza." It's a little known romantic film from 1962 starring Olivia de Havilland (my fave actress EVER!!!!!!), Yvette Mimieux (nope, I didn't have to look up her name to spell it!! teehee), and George Hamilton (the actor who's more famous for his RIDICULOUS tan than has acting ability). It has to be one of the most sweet, adorable, romantic, heartwarming films I have ever seen. Here is a synopsis:

A wealthy American woman, Meg Johnson (de Havilland), takes her adult daughter, Clara (Mimieux), on a trip to Italy. While exploring the streets, the two run into a charming, young Italian man by the name of Fabrizio Nacarelli (Hamilton) who proceeds to romantically pursue the beautiful Clara. Unbeknownst to him, Clara, though 26 years old, posseses only the mental age of a ten year old. As the two begin to fall madly in love with each other, Meg does everything in her power to stop their budding relationship. Both fortunately and unfortunately, Clara's life unfolds before her mother's eyes. The truth eventually sets the young lovers free, and the language barrier, though insignificant, prevents Clara's mental disabilities from hindering true love.

Everytime I see this film I get all giggly and wrapped up in it. It's just so well-played and brilliant. I absolutely adore it. And, as immature as it is, I get a real kick out of hearing Olivia de Havilland say "sex." 12 years old much? LOL.

I also noticed that my old Sociology teacher looks exactly like Olivia de Havilland in "The Snake Pit," another favorite film of mine. Odd...

I have run out of things to say for now. So I guess I shall wrap things up.


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